recipe of the week- HOMEMADE PIZZA!!!!!!!!! We love making these because everyone gets what they want. It only takes 20 min from start (cleaning veggies) to finish (table). SOOOO easy and SOOOO yummy........
1. whole wheat pizza crust- just roll out
2. add your favorite toppings
3. eat up & enjoy!!!!!!!!!
spinach, cheese, & green pepper.....
pepperoni, mushroom, & cheese!!!!
She said it was her special
"Happy Pizza"
(Ashton chose hers over mine....)
While making dinner- Priss asked, "Momma, do you like things perfect?"
I replied, "No, I just like to know you did the best you could do. And really, that's pretty much "perfect" in my mind."
Then she said, "Well, I like things perfect, Daddy likes things kind of perfect, and like things more than perfect- don't you Momma?"
Sometimes, it's easier to just do things ourselves as moms. I am finding more and more to just let things go and let them do! I have to remind myself that it means so much more to them, and the experience they get from trying/doing. Being "just so" or "perfect" really isn't important- after all I am building confidence here (or at least trying). It ends up being lots of fun for me, and for them... and memories too. I mean really- her square pizza was WAY cuter than the circle size that I suggested. Ashton agreed- he loved her funny smiling face pie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Parenting is a learning process and I think today....... I was the one getting the education.
"The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love."
Psalms 103: 8
please pray for the Huge family- precious in God's sight I am sure!!! Two of their crew- Hannah Mae (Josey's BFF) & little Anna, have strep throat. Pray that God would sustain Jenny. Please keep little Wil free from the infection. I play blessings and strength over their entire household!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the prayers dear friend. We are watching all things musical on video and having lots of tea parties=)
ReplyDeleteMy girls love to make little pizzas on whole wheat english muffins. put all the toppings on and pop in the toaster oven. Love it!