{Prissy and Joey on her 1st b-day}
Today you are 9 {that sweet girl brings tears to my eyes even saying it out loud}. 1/2 of your childhood is over & I pray that the other 1/2 goes MUCH slower... I remember the doctor handing you to me & you sing-crying to me. It was so sweet & calming, almost like you were sent to relax me and somehow make me better. You do!
You love- singing, dancing, & performing. I love to watch you in ballet class {you are so graceful & beautiful}. You look at things with a careful eye & know just what to add to turn something ordinary into something extraordinary! You are generous. You have the sweetest spirit of anyone I know. You are kind. You are smart. You are funny {although you sorta get your joke telling from me- we need to work on that}. You are patient {especially with your brother & we all love you for it}. You are sweet {did I mention that already?}. You are!
{you and me on your 4th b-day}
You love- make-up, fancy jewelry, fixing your hair, nail polish and ALL things girly!! And I {adore} that about you... This year you decided you wanted a day out with me instead of a party with your friends {cue the crying by me again}. We had the perfect day together. We got up early went out to breakfast. Then we braced ourselves for a day of shopping that may go down in history! I sat & watched you try on about a million different outfits {you love to model things in the 3 way mirror}. We laughed & sang the entire way everywhere we went. You were SO appreciative for EVERYTHING. So... we just kept going. My favorite part of the day was just being with you and holding your hand {I miss that, usually I am holding brother's hand}. Then we finished up the day with a spa appointment- I {heart} my 9 yr old & her very VERY girly ways!!!!!!!
Today you are 9 {that sweet girl brings tears to my eyes even saying it out loud}. 1/2 of your childhood is over & I pray that the other 1/2 goes MUCH slower... I remember the doctor handing you to me & you sing-crying to me. It was so sweet & calming, almost like you were sent to relax me and somehow make me better. You do!
You love- singing, dancing, & performing. I love to watch you in ballet class {you are so graceful & beautiful}. You look at things with a careful eye & know just what to add to turn something ordinary into something extraordinary! You are generous. You have the sweetest spirit of anyone I know. You are kind. You are smart. You are funny {although you sorta get your joke telling from me- we need to work on that}. You are patient {especially with your brother & we all love you for it}. You are sweet {did I mention that already?}. You are!
{you and me on your 4th b-day}
You love- make-up, fancy jewelry, fixing your hair, nail polish and ALL things girly!! And I {adore} that about you... This year you decided you wanted a day out with me instead of a party with your friends {cue the crying by me again}. We had the perfect day together. We got up early went out to breakfast. Then we braced ourselves for a day of shopping that may go down in history! I sat & watched you try on about a million different outfits {you love to model things in the 3 way mirror}. We laughed & sang the entire way everywhere we went. You were SO appreciative for EVERYTHING. So... we just kept going. My favorite part of the day was just being with you and holding your hand {I miss that, usually I am holding brother's hand}. Then we finished up the day with a spa appointment- I {heart} my 9 yr old & her very VERY girly ways!!!!!!!
I suggested that we maybe have a tiny get together with 2 of her besties this week too {NOT a party, just a get together- ha ha}. **You are- the best gift acceptor that I know. Daddy & I always laugh & look at each other when you open gifts {even gifts that you get that you have 10 of already or that your brother re-gifts}. We love that about you**
Joey was confused when I started making favor boxes and putting party supplies in the pool bag. I didn't buy a thing {after all this was NOT a party, just a get together}. The girls had a blast!!!
Lyla Mae got a super sweet necklace from Bella & this little seat {made for 18 inch dolls at Wal-Mart for $5.00}. Lyla, Lucy, Lizzie, & Lannie share it & one of them is always a the dinner table!!! I {heart} how 9 yr olds still love AGDs!!!

Please slow down growing up my sweet girl! I want to keep you little for as long as I can... Although I am very much looking forward to another Momma/Daughter day with you very soon!!! My cup runneth over with love for you.....