So... I have a new friend. She's cute and insanely clever. She abounds in southern charm. She's kinda the kind of gal you could hate if you started comparing... except that she's-
and loves Jesus!
I know.. what's a girl to do?
I'm just trying to capitalize on her brilliance. You may have heard of her. She's sorta blog famous {click here}. She's teaching me the ways of my new toy. And while I was over at her home I begged for a tour {no shame}. One thing that I LOVED, and there were many, was her pantry. She bought these fancy chip clip thingys from eBay. I almost bought some then I thought of what I have on hand... and how I have no patience... and how I desperately love instant gratification....
So like one gone mad on a budget.
I scampered to the garage and produced these curtain clips and a yard stick.
I took the clips off of the rings and glued them onto the yard stick.
Next I gave it a hit of white spray paint.
I think the new chip clip system will be a hit!
Everything tidy and now the kiddos can see what we have on hand = making lunch packing a bit more easy!
THANK YOU Christy!!