

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Can it be time already.....

surely not???  Well Y'all this very morning around 6:30ish...  my A-man woke me up to- "Momma just  pull it... pull it out!"  I did just that, minus the theatrics that usually comes with Prissy losing teeth.  He backed away from me 2 steps then closed his eyes and said "hurry up & get it Momma!"  Joey tried to cheer us on {from the next room- ha ha}- he isn't much for blood or fingernails or toenails or stuff like that.  It all happened so fast, I didn't even know he had a loose tooth until yesterday.  Although he has been wiggling the little boogers since he heard that $ comes with every tooth {and he equates $ with more Legos}.  He then proceeded to wake up Prissy & Cooner! 


And so... tonight I dug out the little green tooth that I got when Prissy went to her 1st dentist appt {about 6 years ago}.  See I'm a tiny bit neurotic and hoped to someday have a second child... and when she chose a pink one for her... I asked for a second one {to match hers for a possible future sibling}.  I'm sick - I know - it's who I am - no apologies - NO excuses!!!  Anyway, A-man is over the moon about the whole thing!  And as for me.... I'm sad inside.


**Cooner update- Her right arm looks amazing- no more bandages & she can use that hand as usual.  Her left arm/hand is getting there.  I am leaving off the bandages tonight since the open areas are scabbed and covered- infection risks are much lower.  She showered tonight un-assisted- YEAH Cooner.  Her chest area is still pretty angry, but we are praising God for his work so far. THANK YOU for your sweet calls, prayers, cards, & love sent our way!  She is doing amazingly well... swallowing every pill {advice} that her nurse {daughter} gives her!!!!!!!!**

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness!! Ashton!! What a big boy!! I can't believe you're already losing those adorable baby teeth! So proud of you for being so brave! (you too mama! :)
    I'm so glad that Cooner is doing so much better. Still praying for ya!! Love you all!
