

Monday, September 15, 2014

Our little Princess Anna...

This year our ballet company is performing "Frozen" for their winter show.  Prissy was SO excited! We all know every word to every song so it just seems natural to us that they would do it :) Tryouts are always on saturdays- which means Joey brings her to the hospital where I fix her hair in near frantics.  All the while- I'm trying to bestow wisdom through osmosis of a hairbrush.  "Prissy don't forget to smile pretty.  Ballet feet at all time.  If you forget a part... smile!  Oh and have fun."  I was in pure hysterics to hear all about it, only to hear from a very small voice on the other end of the phone "Momma I was a solid 4."  "On a scale from 1-5?" I asked.  "No ma'm on a scale from 1-10" crying a little now.  I reassured her that I'm sure she did better than a 4 and that she would still in fact be in the show {even if she wasn't cast as little Princess Anna}.  Joey made the motion that we buy her a little prize "just in case".  I seconded that and the motion passed- So I did!  That made me even more anxious.  So we battened down the hatches, ate ice cream, and waited.  Now at this point in the story I need to tell y'all... I didn't have any cell phone for a WEEK- long story.  It was a tad inconvenient to say the least.  Long story short I found out through another mom that she got it!  PRINCESS ANNA y'all.  Can you tell I'm a smidgen excited??  We lost our minds on the car ride home that night.  A-man even joined in on a chorus or 6 of "Do You Want To Build A Snow Man".  


We celebrated!
{to say the least and I may or may not be planning a stellar cast party}


The boys mostly played Legos. Although I hear from A-man's teacher that he's invited the entire 1st grade to see his sister in Frozen "she's the best dancer there!"
He makes my heart smile- PRECIOUS!!!


but... Prissy is little Anna and we are over the moon.
  Rehearsals begin tonight-
Bring on the 5 days a week practices, the holes in tights and worn out ballet shoes!  

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