well... we are back from the beach. We had such a great time with the Hayes'. As soon as we got back- Joey started feeling "a little sick"- which QUICKLY turned into "maybe I should go to the hospital & get fluids".. which thankfully ended with me calling in a favor to get some anti-nausea medicine- which resulted in him trying to go to work today??? Anyway I have a BIG day today starting with laundry & LYSOL- then ending with 1st grade orientation tonight. Here are a few pics from the week- ENJOY!!!!!!!!
all watching ALF together...
all cruising the neighborhood
(this was a daily event)
to pedicures & a BIG trip
to Claires....
sooo FUN!
(she was the perfect hostess..)
(she requested Paula Deen's
ooy gooy butter cake- GREAT choice!!)
giving A-man a little attention...
(he loves his Priss like NO other..)
a little drive @ the outlets..
tres chic in their matching dresses
(notice the hair wraps..)
thank you Uncle Travis!!!
his Uncle Joey twice to ride the waves
with him- Joey adores the ocean!!
The boys mastered both the skim & the
boogie boards.
(Papaw..... well he donated a hat to the
the Atlantic ocean during his attempt)
swords with Uncle Travis-
he LOVED being around
those rough & rowdy boys!!!
our last day @ the beach
(thanks Cooner & Daddy for
a GREAT Va-cay- you went above
& beyond for ALL of us!!!)
her gift from us when we got
home from the beach...
I must say she seems very grown-up
with her I-pod..
(but she still looks little to me..)
please keep Joey in your prayers- may this stomach mess be OVER!!! I praise GOD for the relief that he has had so far!!!!!!!!!!! & may we all stay WELL.
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