Sooo- while driving home last week from VBS.... I saw a tinylittle tag-sale sign??? Then I saw this vision in red next to the curb???? She was discounted down (I love to go later when they want to literally give stuff away). The next thing ya know I was loading her into the car & painting her..... YES! WHITE!!!!!!!!!!!!
our garage catch-all before:
now the after: (although I got all excited & didn't get a picture of her before the paint)
I white-washed her a bit & filled her with a multitude of sins!!!
like nearly EVERYTHING that we need when we go out the door- shoes, pool bags, my market tote, & there is plenty of room for backpacks next fall..... We will be needing 2 hooks (the A-man will be starting pre-school- boo-hoo)! I also took a piece of scrap wood that I had to Lowe's & had them cut it to size to make a shelf for her (they cut for free). I kept the inside the original red color- that way it was less work for me.... and the fact that I couldn't wait to fill her up (I {heart} instant gratification!!!) and the very BEST part of her is that she is on casters so she rolls around VERY easily- ahhh I love her already! So don't shy away from a great piece of furniture just because your house is already furnished y'all- your garage needs some gussying-up too!!!!!
I have been married to my dream guy for 15 yrs. We have 2 beautiful children: precious Josey is 13 & handsome Ashton is 9. I love the LORD Jesus- (from whom all good things are given), singing, sewing, fall foliage, wearing new socks, rain, church bells, cheese cake, musicals, organizing, decorating, thrifting, flowers, magazines, French music, planning parties for my kiddos, blogging, & ALL things PINK!!
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