Tonight we headed out to the "Pik 'n Pig" for some southern style BBQ & to say goodbye to our sweet friends. Jodi & her family have been close friends of ours since they moved here 5yrs ago. Our girls are the same age+we both have little curly headed boys+she loves the Lord+ she just happens to love shopping=best friends as far as I'm concerned! It was bitter-sweet cause I know that God has an awesome plan for her family, but I selfishly wish that it involved them staying here.... But ya'll know that His plan is FAR better than you or I could imagine don't ya??? I foresee a girls road trip in the near future- yee haw!!!!!
(at least for awhile)
Jodi, Me, Catherine, & Jodi
Lydia, Eden, & Priss
(she loves my jewelry- I {heart} that about her!)
(watching the planes take off & land- did I mention that this place is connected to a small airport-where there just happens to be a fire truck on stand-by & a driving range with bucket after bucket of balls to hit??? A-man wants to live there....)
(Catherine snapped this one for their rehearsal dinner- ha ha)
p.s. We ran into A-man's Neo-natologist (flying in for dinner). He did not recognize us.... & I was sad a bit about my friend leaving & wasn't in my usual stalker-mode (lucky for him ha ha) so I didn't bother him. I will NEVER forget his face, his name, or the fact that he himself took my little guy off of the ventilator & watched him take his 1st breath while I stood nearby with my heart in my throat! Tonight I prayed a special little prayer for him... I hope he felt it!!!!!
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