

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

a pretty pic-nic for our teachers!

In life there are things worth boasting about... and our teachers are one of them!  We are finishing up yet another FABULOUS year at SCCS.  And with end of the year parties and programs, comes teacher appreciations luncheons.  My kiddos have had 2 of SCCS's finest {in our opinions} this year. A-man said "he wished Mrs. Proulx was smart enough to teach 1st grade. And may we please still take her treats next year too Momma?"  I laughed knowing and then realizing how blessed we are to have such precious teachers!! The kind that go easy on homework for ballet recital's TECH week and reschedule presentations so that a certain busy Daddy could attend.  The ones that text you when they get to the park/field trip to let you know they made it.  And the ones that love on my children when I can not.


Those kind make me want to... cut out letters on banners...


and wrap pretty packages for them..



and make chandeliers cause the room needed something else...


and wrap up wooden cutlery and cut out bird pins to match...


They are ones that deserve a pretty pic-nic.... complete with hanging branches :) and real lemonade and southern fried chicken..



So...  we made one for them.
  And is was my pleasure!!! 


P.S.  and I'm so thankful for my sweet friend Shayne... Who gets my whole "need" for having wooden utensils, book page feathers, and dozens of other things that shall remain nameless.  She is a treasure to me!!!

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