

Monday, November 01, 2010

"Halloween 2010..."

did NOT disappoint!!!! The children had a ball @ the clubhouse party & the hayride trick or treating was a HUGE hit {BIG thanks to Mr. Polk for driving the wagon for us}!!!! My kiddos could hardly choke down their pizza fast enough... before getting a "good" seat {close to the back to get out quickly}. It started out very much like last year... Joey rides the wagon & I drive behind just in case {ya'll know I'm totally one of those Mommas- you know the ones with the extra bag, the first aide kit, the hand sanitizer, flashlights, glow bracelets, & any thing else you could possibly imagine}! Anyway- A-man was holding his own saying "trick or treat" & "thank you" ALL on his own... until it happened.... He stepped back out of the way of the big kids {we seriously had about 30 on the wagon- we practically cleaned them out of candy @ every house} & stepped off of the porch! I saw it happen from the road, then I heard my little dragon cry in such a way that I wasn't sure if he was hurt or his heart was??? I leaped to his side {in about 3 steps=20 yards} & scooped him from his Daddy's arms. Thankfully he had a LOT of padding, but his biggest concern was that "me didn't get any candy Momma". Mrs. Haines gladly filled his bag with what I'm sure was more that she had given the others!!! A-man braved the wagon a few more times, then he got in the car with Joey & I climbed aboard the wagon. ALL was well, but whew!!! that aged me 10 years {did I mention that the porch was a good 5 ft drop off?}. I think that will do me until next year- ha ha!!! I hope ya'll had fun last night & remained injury-free!!!! Here are a few pics from our Halloween 2010!!!!!

~Prissy & Lanie~
{in ALL of their Gypsy glory}

{in ALL his dragon/dinosour/knight to slay the dragon glory}

~Prissy & Kaitlin~
{posing in from of the Cloniger's spooky house}

{running from the haunted house}

{some of the hay-ride-trick-or-treaters}

p.s. tomorrow we are having dinner here... with a few of our friends like... Mickey & Minnie!!!

We can't wait!!!!!!!! It's A-man's 1st trip to Disney World & to say that he's excited.... well I think you can guess what his every conversation has been today!!!!! We'll see ya'll back in about a week..........

1 comment:

  1. Have a good trip-- see you when you get home :) yeah!!!!
