

Monday, February 04, 2013

Fortune cookie Valentine

Hot off of the glue gun- Prissy & I finished up her Valentines and I must say.. "they are PRECIOUS!!!" Now without further delay.... Here is how we made them!

~Fortune cookie

start by cutting out some 4 inch circles out of red & pink felt


then hot glue a piece of pipe cleaner in the center of each circle


next fold the circle in half & form it into a fortune cookie shape then glue the top together


next tuck in your little fortune...
"I'm so fortune-ate to have you as my friend. Happy Valentine's day from Josey


and what fortune cookie Valentine would be complete without a take-out box of candy??? We finished them off with heart stickers, ribbon, & these little Valentine paper clips!!!!


{see I told y'all they were precious... and easy. I {heart} homemade Valentines!!!}

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