

Thursday, April 28, 2011

a long story... {short!}

"everyone needs Compassion.."- this was a post from a year ago....

This is our oldest daughter Tigist-
she lives in Ethiopia & will be 16 in October. However she lives a very different life than our other 2. We adopted her through the Compassion International Children's Fund about 12 years ago. I can remember Joey
asking me (when we were dating) if I thought it was a good idea. I had NO idea then what it would mean to me now. We are able to correspond with her about every 3 months. She writes with school updates & news about her family. Josey now loves to draw pictures for her & see her writing & hear about
how she prays to the same God that we do! It is amazing to see God's work there- what an opportunity to show the love of Jesus. If you have ever thought about joining Compassion- I pray that you consider it again!

Now... in October I learned that Compassion was going to Ethiopia & I was invited to go and meet my sweet Tigist. I felt that it was God's plan {because it was SO out of my comfort zone}. Long story... short- I committed right away, paid for the flight {a 14 hour direct flight- YIKES}, got my passport, shopped for things I thought she might like, & now I'm leaving Saturday for 12 days.... I am joining 20 other Compassion adoptive parents who will get to meet their children for the 1st time too. I can't believe that it is time to go already... I'm sure that this will come as a complete shock to many of you, as it still is to me! PLEASE keep me {and my sweet husband, Cooner- who has graciously offered to come & help with my darlings, & of course my sweet Prissy & little A-man- in your prayers... I'll see y'all back here in a couple of weeks!!!


p.s. I wanted to take a little something for the other younger girls at her school.... and when I'm anxious I usually bust out my glue gun....I hope they like hair bows- {45 to be exact}?? Now poor sweet Tigist will get a taste of how my precious Prissy feels about her crazy Momma- ha ha ha!!!!


"whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me..."
~Mark 9:37~

Sunday, April 24, 2011

{He has risen}

Today I pray that we can ALL thank the one who lets us stand under the spout where all the blessings pour out!!! Happy Easter my friends.....

Thursday, April 21, 2011

happy birthday... {little} A-man!

Four {very short} years ago on this very day.... I helped God with my second little miracle. My bed rest stint was over, Cooner & Daddy had just arrived {no coincidence I assure you- God was carefully orchestrating even those details}, & I put Prissy in the bath a bit early {because my contractions were getting close together & I knew that she would worry if we left for the hospital before she went down to bed}..... I have been looking over my old journals this week... and oh how what I have forgotten. This was my last journal entry the night before my sweet A-man arrived:

::April 20th 2007
I am about to bring another life into the world- what an honor & a joy as a woman. I am so grateful to have been able to make it this far and soon bring my Ashton Honor home. Father give him a sweet spirit just like his big sister, make his heart tender like his momma, and Lord PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make him bold for YOU like his daddy. Oh and one more tiny thing.... please make his eyes brown..............

so far:
sweet spirit like his sister= check!
tender heart like his momma= check!
BOLD= double check!!
brown eyes= check!


Happy Birthday my darling brave boy-
Momma loves you Pickle!!!



{did I ever tell y'all that while Joey & I were pulling out of the drive- headed for the hospital- contractions 4 minutes apart.... Cooner yelled out "Ashly, try and hold off until the morning- it's Daddy's birthday!"- NO KIDDING- ask Joey!!!}

Monday, April 18, 2011

Pirate Party {sailing the HIGH seas...}

Well..... the Buccaneer Bash was a HUGE success!!!
The kiddos {and the adults} had a blast!
Here is a recap of the festivities.....


~the Ship~
{complete with a mermaid & a mast- thanks to Cooner}






the fearless crew....
{with obviously NO pride- ha ha ha}


the Red Velvet cake
{made by Cooner}
.... the Capt's favorite part of the party- thanks to the set of pirate Legos!!


the Capt. walking the plank...


his 1st mate {Prissy} walking the plank...


whom the Capt. adores beyond words!!!
{who let me dress him up in this garb with NO complaint- what a GREAT sport!!!}


the Scavenger hunt...


Matey Levi
{getting ready to HOOK some pretzels while being timed- NO easy task,
but worth a try for a glance in at me treasure}! The kiddos LOVED this game!!!


1st Matey Luke
{one of the Capt's main men!!}


the canon ball fight
{water balloon= 150 to be exact...}
...in which the Mighty Black Pearl got sunk by the Sea Queen
{maned by Capt. Prissy= yeah!!!}


the Capt.
...needing a little loving from him Mum after his ship went down !!!


and this is a pic of the Capt.'s daddy
after he took a canon for the Black Pearl in the bum- ha ha ha


p.s. a BIG thanks to or sweet friends.. or should I say "scallywags" for coming out & helping us celebrate my sweet boy's special day!!! And THANK YOU Capt. Nick & his little matey William for helping park the cars!!!!!!!!!


here's a little letter from the Capt.


Happy Birthday
Grandma Harris!!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

let's talk {jolly rogers}

So..... thanks to this guy- who is building the ship-


and the hour of ballet {sitting down so I could cut out some of these from another sheet}....


and a few others.....


and for this guy {holding the flag} who went to countless carpet stores to get me some carpet rolls... and then ended up dumpster diving for me- which makes me LOVE him even more let me just say!!!!


and for little Priss who has cut out more of these than we could count....


...we are about to set sail for an adventure like NEVER before!!! They say it takes a village- but in our case it takes a CREW! I am blessed to have the best hands on deck for this party & I can't wait to show y'all how it all turns out next week!!!!!!!


p.s. I hate that I missed y'all BUNCO girls last night- Cooner was sick & she nearly scared me to death. Thankfully she was back to her old self about 8:00..... Let this be a lesson for us all- little lunch=little insulin dosage!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

let's talk {treasure}

So what Pirate Party could EVER be complete without a treasure chest? NONE!!! I have been looking for the past few months for the perfect one; the right size, the right shape {you'd be surprised as to what people think is perfect}, safe {not too heavy as to hurt fingers when slammed... not that it will get slammed- ha ha ha}, and of course the right price... FINALLY I found the perfect one that met all of the requirements @ a thrift store for $10.00. I scooped it up {never mind that it was decorated in blue toile.....}, a bottle of craft paint later..... PERFECT!!! Now on to the contents... Capt. A-man's scally-wags will NOT be disappointed with them... trust me!!! I have asked Joey to "man" the treasure hunt portion of the party....

He has come up with 5 clues that will lead the crew to the
{made from a pizza box}
and there in lies their treat bags!


Now I'm off to spray paint these little guys...
{from Long John Silver's-
they were so excited to give them to me along with hats-
don't be afraid to use your resources ladies!!!!!}


p.s. speaking of treasure... I picked up this little guy @ Goodwill for $1.00- the perfect centerpiece!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

let's talk {loot}

I have been collecting "pirate" loot for the past year... I know that sounds a little crazy, but if you pick a theme early on & pick up a little at a time throughout the year = great party!!!! We think we have thought of everything, but just to make sure we have asked the other mateys to come in "proper attire" or else walk the plank- he he he.
Once they arrive, they will be given:


{I can't very well send them off to pillage without one...}


{and perhaps a 5 o'clock shadow- I like the scruffy look so I plan on offering a bit of face make-up too for all the crew!!!}


{every good Lanludder needs a little incentive & chocolate coins never hurt anyone- Aarrgg!}


~an eye patch~
{and Aye an ear-ring too}


~a telescope & a compass~
{to scout out me treasure}


and every little lad & lassie need some
" Capt Ashton's Tavern's best:
bottled straight from the sea"

Now- "shiver me timbers" {which I think of best translated as "holy crap"}.... I have much to do & just a bit of time to do it! See y'all back here soon!!!!!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

{YO HO HO!}}

Well..... my parents are coming into town today for a BIG party this weekend! My little guy is about to turn 4 {gasp & wipe the tears..}. And luckily for me, I haven't the time for tears!!! I'm in complete PARTY FORM & the house if busting with all things pirate- or should I say "swashbuckling fun"??? The invitations have been sent & the mast is hung.... Now I just need to finish up some other quint essentials for Capt. A-man's big day. I hope to share things throughout the week. First let's start with the invitation... It really is the 1st impression of your party!


I {like any good Mum} googled "pirate font" & printed them off on tea stained card stock. Then {on the porch so that my little monkey see/monkey doer wouldn't see me..} burnt the edges of each one to make them look like authentic pirate maps.


Next I found these cool little boxes @ Michaels. I wiped them haphazardly with a cloth full of wood stain.


Next filled them with the invite scroll & some gold coins {or should I say doubloons"?}. I'm quickly getting my pirate lingo down- ha ha ha.


Lastly, I painted all of his little Landlubber's names on them to finish them off!!! A-man is just beside himself about these little things- and has slept with his for the last 2 nights.....


Now I'm off to batten down all of the other hatches!!!!!

Thursday, April 07, 2011

{think} outside the box...

Today as I look around my house, I see something very sorta.... habit forming! I have started to {maybe I always have?} use things for something other than their intended purpose.


I really REALLY {heart} flower frogs- and if that is a new term for y'all they look like this:

I have a big one {intended for larger flowers like lilies} & I have changed it's usage completely by putting it in the kitchen & filling it with my utensils. I love the "industrial" look of the metal, but the function is PERFECT & handy too.


I found this little one & am now using it in the office. I love it there... but I may need to steal it back if I get some cabbage roses this week!!


Also I really do NOT like to look of traditional trash cans...

...so I use things like pretty {if I can use that word with them?} buckets.
They always have them in the clearance aisle @ the Maxx...


I have had this garden trimming basket in the garage for years now... But hosed it off {literally} when I decided to put computer paper in it for the office.


And... who would have thought when I bought this birdcage- that I would put my gift wrap in it? NOT me! But- I {Heart} it almost as much as wrapping up pretty packages.... I think wrapping is part of the gift & so it's one of my very VERY favorite things to do for people!!


How about using an armoire in your garage.... Just when you think your house can't hold another big piece of furniture??? You see a fabulous find along side the road.... and the rest is a fond distant memory that ends with backpacks & shoes... in PERFECT harmony!!!


...and how about using cookie jars for crayons? Why not? I mean if I can cut up sheets for lamp shades.... I think I'll stop at nothing- ha ha ha!!! The moral to the story my sweet friends is...
think outside the box...
It's fun & usually free {when you shop your house as I frequently to!}!!


Now I'm off to play some Star Wars Legos.....
"may the force be with me!!!!"