

Thursday, June 23, 2011

{a weeks worth of ramblings...}

.... First- Prissy & my A-man were FANTASTIC on the "stage" at church last Sunday. I didn't get a video or even a picture of the A-man {because I NEVER dreamed he would go- just call me doubting Tom!}. Sunday morning he woke up with "Now Momma, I'm not gonna jump, I'm just gonna stand on the stage, Okay?". "Yes" I said, just relieved he would go up. Then I heard Cooner's voice coming out of my mouth with "I just thought it would be fun to wear your light up shoes that would light up when you jumped?" {shameless I know!} "Okay.... I'll jump" he said {sorta pitiful}. I helped his class line up and stood in front helping them with the motions and words.... He was front & center.... and he did EVERYTHING. I was shocked... so much that I cried {cause that's what I do} and could barley help the others {clearly he did NOT need my assistance}. I couldn't see to help them off of the stage.. I only kissed his cheeks off & took my place for Prissy's class. She too was front & center and she could have been leading the whole show! She looked precious and by this time I had my wits about me to take a picture.... Need-less-to-say.... we got ice cream afterwards.... and Joey brought home prizes for them {and me too:)!!!!}


.... and I finished up some furniture pieces that I bought last week! Sorry that I didn't get any before pics- I got to excited to get a move on them...

~here is the little nightstand~
perfect to house his Darth alarm clock & sippy cup at night...and
drawer #1- nerf darts {YES we need an entire drawer}
drawer #2- bakugans
drawer #3 {double drawer}- animals collection= you name it & we got it!!!


~and here is his new Lego Cabinet~
just the right height for him to get to his Gun Ship & other favs.
{note- the Tie Defender on top was his VBS prize!}


and can I just say that I wish I would have taken a picture of her everyday this summer! She has the best style {I wonder where she gets it from- wink wink}. I am amazed every time she comes bouncing down the stairs. SO FUN!!!!!!


and... I had NO idea why the A-man woke up at 5:30 wanting 6 cups & a basket.... I quickly told him he would have to wait until "wake-up time". This is the result of having a slightly OCD Momma.... although I commend his organization skills- Bravo A-man!!! Now we can play Lego store build-a-guy ever so easily....


and.... I found these light/glow sticks at Michael's in the dollar bins. They might be our best summer find so far. The kiddos could hardly wait until dusk, so we could crack them & have a galactic battle. Run out and get some- you won't regret it!!!!!


Happy Birthday
Aunt Carol!!
{we can't wait to see you guys this weekend & celebrate in person}


p.s. In this busy life we I can get wrapped up in being "of this world" & not just "in this world". My husband asked me how my spiritual life was this week? I gave him the standard "okay, but it could be better" response. Then {because he knows me better than myself}.... I confessed that either my prayer life if good and my reading time is bad or the other way around [can any of you relate?]. So that is why the blog had been a little less frequented by me.... I'm trying to get my priorities right again! Pray for me.... I'll be praying for you! Be blessed sweet friends...

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