Last night we went to see the A-man in his 1st ever Pre-school program. It was so strange having Prissy sitting with us- we are usually watching her & I am having to keep a certain little someone entertained with my Mary Poppins Bag- ha ha. We have been practicing his song this whole week, then I asked him if he was going to sing while we were driving there... "Uh mm I think no"- was his response. "Okay, just please promise Momma that you'll smile big &.... A-man PLEASE don't touch anyone!" "Okay Momma me promise!" He found his way to Mrs. Fisher & Ethan {his little BFF}. Then I grabbed 3 seats in the church, my camera, & a wad of tissues.....
~A-man & Ethan~{they stayed like this for 10 minuted- neck & neck. I grabbed Ethan's mom & she got a picture too. A-man now asks for 2 of everything we get so Ethan can have 1 too!}

my little
A-man holding to his promise of smiling...

...and when it was all over
he shouted "Momma me no touch anyone!"
{my cup runneth over....}
p.s. A-man's class party is suppose to be tomorrow.... I'm sure you know me well enough to know that I have a few things planned... Except that if school is cancelled or delayed {since he only goes Tues & Thurs and only stays 3 hrs}... he won't have one.... Poor me {in the words of my little man}!! But I do have some super fun decorations... wanna see??? Okay!!!! 
I made some ginormous Christmas bulbs out of tissue paper
{and have about 50 red & green balloons- already blown up...}

... and we made treats & have snacks & everything else that you can imagine for a birthday party for our King!!!!! Anyway.. I hate to pray against snow {because I do love it... but maybe it could just wait & come after I get these class parties over with???}