

Monday, November 16, 2009

"messy can be beautiful..."

I told ya'll that I have cleaned out & organized my sewing room... YES it is still a bit of a mess, but I dare say- messy can be beautiful!!! I love everything about this room, but mostly just that I can go in it & let my imagination run WILD!!!!!! Josey needs a Pilgrim costume for her school play (that we will not be here for, but she wants to participate in the dress rehearsals). What can I say? She loves the stage! Anyway I found myself in the land of forgotten fabrics (Goodwill) & found the perfect black coat to make her skirt out of.

I also picked this wool skirt up for 3 bucks- I got this idea??? (I know scary huh??) Anyway please excuse this VERY tired Momma picture- it seems my craft time has to take place while nearly everyone else in the world is in their REM sleep cycle!

Then I made a template & cut 2 out of the wool...

Then I tried that little "fabric stiffener" idea that we used to do in elementary school with felt- you know the one where you soak it in school glue & water? Anyway I found myself sneaking up to Prissy's desk & borrowing some...

Then I cut some strips & attempted to form some sort of rose figure? All the while I kept asking Joey if it resembled a flower? "I guess honey? I mean you kinda like things a little over the top!" he said! I'm not really sure what to say about that???

Next like the man said- I still thought that it looked a little understated (as though a huge wool flower can)? So I crept up to the sacred world of ALL things gaudy (Josey's room) again & retrieved a bag of glitter...

The rest is history- expect to say... that YES it is messy & NOT perfect, but I think it is beautiful & it will look spectacular pinned on a blouse, handbag, scarf, or even on top a present...

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