

Friday, September 04, 2009

"strive for excellence not perfection"

I am without a doubt a total perfectionist- but I TOTALLY exhaust myself & everyone around me in the process. I do NOT want my children to think that my love depends one perfection from their end! My Ashton doesn't seemed phased in the least with mediocrity- (ha ha). Josey is mortified with it! Last night while checking her homework, I noticed that she had received a 92/100 on her phonics sheet. I asked her about it (not knowing how she felt)- she burst into tears saying "Momma I know that I can do much better!" My heart was broken- she really assumed that she would get punished for less that perfect. So we put ALL homework away, got out a puzzle, & totally forgot about phonics. I could see the pressure lifting from her as we talked about other things & the focus shifted away from school. But soon came the questions... "Momma what happens when you don't get 100 every time?" "Priss, Momma & Daddy only want your best. We love you no matter if you code your capital letters or not!" "Momma we do not code our capital letters. We are coding subject nouns, verbs, & direct objects this week." Needless-to-say I am not worried about her phonics or any other subject for that matter.

God has called us to be good stewards of our time & treasures, not to never make mistakes. He can’t love you any more than He already does. It’s okay to make mistakes sometimes.

strive for excellence NOT perfection!!!!

1 comment:

  1. i love josey harris so much that i can barely take it! tell her aunt kristy says a 92 is fabulous!
